Why Should You Outsource Record Retrieval?

Why you should Outsource

What Do Law Firms Outsource?

Law firms require many processes to continue operating as a functional business. There are business operations that take more time and manpower to accomplish than others. And as every attorney knows, time is money, especially when you are billing your clients by the hour. If you are in charge of managing the law firm, do you really have the time to spend on additional business necessities?

You take time out of your day to do business processes such as:

• Accounting
• Sales
• Intake Process
• Payroll
• Record Retrieval
• Marketing
• Customer Service
• Taxes

All of these daily business processes take a good portion of your time during the day and leave you very little time to do anything else. Which of these services do you already outsource to help you save time? Do you outsource your payroll or tax services? If you say yes to this you are like the majority of law firms who rely on a professional to manage their payroll and taxes. There are possible fines and negative business implications if taxes/payroll/accounting are not handled correctly and in a timely manner. Not only with your payroll or taxes, if you do not manage your intake process you can lose client interest and possible cases, which in turn loses money for your firm.

Companies and services like these provide law firms with a better service, in turn making their own firm successful. By outsourcing business operations a law firm is able to focus on what is important to them – their business and their clients.

Why Should You Outsource Record Retrieval?

First and foremost, should you really be handling certain services, would you consider yourself an expert in marketing or filing taxes? Outsourcing is also a great way to reduce labor costs while improving your companies’ focus on your business. Outsourcing services gives you an extension and expertise outside of your business base that only enhances the scope and efficiency of your firm.


We hear all the time, “I just send the requests to the hospital and hope that they get processed.” What ends up happening the majority of the time is paper work is incorrect, requests never make it to the right person, or that person never processes the request. You spend weeks waiting to receive the records only to call the hospital to find out the request is not even being processed. Then you have to start the process all over again, adding more time and cost to cases that your client wants to settle to receive damages. Not only are you costing yourself time and money, you are costing your client money that they may receive in a settlement.

Saving Money

You may think that you can do it efficiently, but at what cost? There are many cases of doctors and hospitals overcharging attorneys for records because they will pay for them. There are medical record copy fees based off state statutes for each state that providers must follow. How many invoices have you over paid for and cost yourself and your client money? A record retrieval service checks all provider fees by state statutes and ensures that you are not being overcharged.

Outsource to the Professionals

If you are outsourcing tax/payroll/accounting/marketing services to other companies, why not look in to outsourcing your record retrieval needs to a company whose sole focus and expertise is retrieving records for your firm. By pushing other operations to another company, you are able to reduce overhead for current operations as well as cut costs and have more productive hours. Stop wasting time on retrieving records and focus on what is important- your business.
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Record Retrieval Management


Why is Record Grabber easy to use? The answer is simple, we take the record retrieval process and make it manageable. We take the unnecessary setbacks that you would encounter and work through them for you, making the process painless and simple for you to reap the benefits afterward. Our team of professionals make it a priority to make the process simple with integrated technology that makes it quicker for you to download and receive the requested records.

Many people complain that looking into a 3rd party or outsourcing medical records doesn’t save them time or money. They complain that there are hidden fees not addressed and that they could retrieve the records faster themselves and receive the correct records. These factors are often what deter people from reaching out and requesting assistance from a 3rd party source. This does not have to be the case for everyone, and shouldn’t be.

Record Grabber is a medical record retrieval service that specializes in quality customer service and the integration of technology into the retrieval process. We address all of the previous concerns and correctly implement them within our business process to make sure the customer is completely satisfied with our service. Below are steps we take to ensure a simple and painless process:

1. We save time and money for customers by providing a streamlined technology that allows customers to submit a request and have it processed within 24 hours and have their requested records within approximately two weeks.

2. We have no hidden fees because we pay the provider fee up front and send you a notification if the provider fees will be over $200 to make sure you are still willing to retrieve the records, and by doing this it allows you to add the provider fees into the case so you never lose money.

3. Handling your medical record retrieval yourself is time consuming, from the phone calls to the follow-ups you waste valuable time during your day. We take the time consuming process out of your hands and allow you to really work and focus on what is important, your business.

Record Grabber manages the hardest part of the retrieval process to make your life easier saving you money, time, and the hassle of dealing with providers and invoices. By making the retrieval process manageable we make the process easier for customers to do. At Record Grabber we believe that record retrieval should be easy, and we make the process easier for our customers through the integration of technology and the superior customer service.

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Technology and Communication in Business


Communication today is instantaneous, massive amounts of data is moved through email and the Internet. These are powerful tools are now in the hands of owners and employees. This vast new amount of communication has made it possible for businesses to grow and compete on a larger scale. Technology creates opportunities in business and opens the door to growth, sustainability and success. Innovations in technology have improved operations at companies of all sizes and helped turn small, local businesses into global businesses. The four pillars of business – communication, marketing, productivity and customer service – are ever changing given the new influx of technology. Without these pillars, the business world would not have evolved in to the global spectrum that we see today. The pillars define a communication standard of business and each business must integrate these pillars and technology in order to grow and become a successful business.


Cell phones have become small business necessities for owners and employees. These devices are essential for staying in touch and responding to customer inquiries in a timely manner and make it easy to do so. Smartphones raise the bar with access to the Internet, email and business applications in a small hand held device. Email, text messaging and social networking are other forms of communication that keep small businesses connected to their customers and improve communication in the company. Box Cloud Storage system and Google Cloud Storage are great examples of how companies can share information wirelessly and on the same server. This wireless communication and transfer of information allows multiple employees to access documents in real time and edit or use accordingly. This new development on social media, data sharing and networking has sparked new forms of communication between people and businesses.


Technology has allowed small businesses to reach new and existing customers without restrictions of paper advertisement. Internet marketing ranges from a simple informational website, to advertising on search engines, to even online product sales. Bing and Google have enabled ad campaigns to be posted on their search engines allowing your message to be a top priority when customers are searching for your service. This online ad campaign allows your message and business to reach many different customers around the world, connecting your business to new markets. Email marketing is also an effective and low cost method to reach larger groups of people with newsletters, coupons, or even business updates. Mobile marketing is a new frontier that reaches people by text messaging, advertising on mobile applications and offering branded applications that involve customers into what is happening with the small business in a fun and entertaining way. These new forms of marketing allow the business to reach a larger audience to deliver their service or product.


Small businesses need to maximize productivity out of their operations employees and technology tools help employees get tasks done quickly. From printing out marketing materials or providing customer service through email or online chat, technology maximizes efficiency. The key is to keep employees focused when using technology and to use it with the goal of saving time. Sometimes, a phone call may be more efficient and productive than an email. Provide employees with hardware and updated software to keep them working at peak proficiency. With technology, efficiency and productivity can improve with the ability to accomplish more than one task at a time and do so within a timely manner.

Customer Service

Technology brings small businesses closer to customers. Small businesses use email to answer questions, offer online chat to help customers that may be visiting the website, and equip employees with phone equipment that makes customer service agents more efficient. Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software allows you to keep track of interactions with that customer and organize client information. Make sure to give customers a variety of ways to contact the company. Technology is powerful, but keep the people element in mind and don’t rely too heavily on technology. Although technology is an incredibly helpful and useful tool, employees cannot only rely on this technology to accomplish all their daily tasks. Employees need to put effort and look into detail in all of the work that they do for the company.

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Record Grabber: Business Growth

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Small businesses generally love the word “growth” since in relation to a business, it usually means success and profit. A growing business is a developing business, or so most people believe. Unfortunately, many small businesses discover the hard way that growth can result in problems if your business is not equipped to handle this growth – and can even hurt your business in the long run!

All growing businesses eventually reach their limit. You could run out of employees to handle the new volume of orders or customers, or you could not have enough product to meet demand. Most small businesses work to manage operational issues during a growth phase, and it can be hard to choose whether it’s time to hire additional employees or if this influx is just a short-term spike in sales or customer volume. The following are helpful tips for managing growth in a small business.

Maintain Owner/Management Role

If you find yourself carrying out the tasks of your employees – creating the products or accomplishing the services your company offers, it’s time to look at the big picture. As the business owner, you need to maintain a management role in the business. If you don’t have enough manpower without you on the front lines, it’s time to either replace existing employees who are not producing the necessary return on investment (what you pay them), or hire additional employees so that you can focus on the administration, management, and strategy of your business.

Add Organizational Procedures

When a business is started, many small business owners check over the details of their employee’s work, correct mistakes or problems before it reaches the customer, and keep a close eye on how everything is running. If you are growing rapidly, you won’t have time to continue overseeing with as much detail and scrutiny. A business needs procedures for managing staff and providing the best possible products or services of the company. There should be product or service quality control standards to ensure your business turns out the same quality whether you are in a slow period or a growth period. Looking into your daily business operations can help determine what tasks can follow certain procedures, and then get everyone on board. When your business relies on certain procedures, it will manage growth much better than scrambling to keep up as your business expands.

Keeping Growth in Check

For most business owners, growth is encouraged but it’s important to keep this growth in check. When you start generating more sales than previously when you started your business, it can be tempting to spend more money than you’re able to – perhaps you decide to upgrade computers or technology, or even hire more staff to help handle this new business growth. Both of these examples are excellent uses of your business income, but if you’re not careful you may spend more than you can really afford. This then damages your financial stability and your business as a whole. The growth phase that could have resulted in higher profits could easily turn around and cause a cash flow problem if you aren’t careful to keep the business growth in check.

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Record Grabber: Copy Service vs. Retrieval Service


It can be easy to confuse Medical Record Copy Services with Medical Record Retrieval Services, thinking only one is necessary and not the other. Why are these two services continuously confused with each other? Despite being involved in the same industry, there are distinct differences between companies in the separate field. While both industries are related to obtaining the same material (i.e., medical records), the two industries meet differing needs between the legal and health fields. Let’s delve deeper into the differences between Copy Services and Retrieval Services.

Copy Service

Copy Services work directly with medical providers acting as a liaison for patients and customers. They are hired by medical providers to fill any incoming requests for medical records or billing statements. This service alleviates the burden off the facility of having to copy all records and send the records out to each requestor. Familiar company names within the Copy Service industry include: IOD, MRO, and Health Port. Have you heard of any of these? Maybe you have requested records from the company or received an invoice regarding requested records. The copy service charges a fee, “typically”, according to the state statute for medical record copy fees in that given state. The copy service works directly for the medical provider in their best interest.

The protocol that Copy Services use vary from provider to provider. Some providers suggest attorneys submit requests for records directly to the hospital, who then forwards the request to the copy service for completion. Other hospitals require attorneys to send requests for records directly to their copy service. There are also on-site copy services at some major health care providers, allowing easy access to all records.

Copy Services work to please their customers – the medical providers. Aware of the hassle involved in requesting medical records, hospitals and medical providers hire copy services to take over this burden. This can be a frustrating issue and may result in more work for your firm and paralegals. Many law firms deal with multiple copy services on top of providers who handle requests for records in-house (or, without hiring a copy service), which can lead to a managerial nightmare. There are many moving pieces between customers and their copy services and that may result in multiple invoices, duplicate records, incorrect records, and little to no response or reply from the copy service.

Retrieval Service

Medical Record Retrieval Services are designed and focused on law firms to be the mediator between them and the medical providers for retrieving records. Retrieval Services take all of the hassle out of the law firm’s hands and deals with the providers in a timely manner making sure your requests are received as soon as possible. Medical Record Retrieval Services deal with the customer on a more personal basis and work directly with, and for the law firm, instead of seeing them as a number. Each request is handled with excellent supervision and retrieved within a timely manner without hassle to the customer.

Medical Record Retrieval Services request records on behalf of the law firm by following HIPPA requirements as well as the HITECH standards for medical record storage and retrieval. These services submit the requests and follow up regularly to check on the status of the records to make sure they are being processed correctly and on time. These services work directly with the medical providers and copy services to alleviate the burden of law firms having to handle the tedious and lengthy task of retrieving records. Medical Record Retrieval Services take time to check each record received and make sure there are no duplicate records, incorrect records and make sure records have the proper certification. This process ensures that the correct records are retrieved every time. Medical Record Retrieval Services compile medical records by physical copy or by electronic download from a safe internet server. This service handles much of the retrieval process as well as the storage and downloading process for law firms to organize the needed records in a digital format.


A Medical Record Retrieval Service is an extension of the law firm’s ability to request, follow up, retrieve, review, and organize the documents needed for any case that requires medical records. They work directly with the law firm the same as the copy service works directly for the medical provider. It is easy to get these two services confused considering they perform similar duties. On the other hand, these are entirely two separate businesses that focus on entirely different industries. A misnomer between these two services is that the copy service provides all necessary facets of retrieving records for a law firm. Once you delve deeper, you can see that a medical record copy service and a medical record retrieval service are two entirely different businesses.

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Record Grabber: Customer Service


At Record Grabber, we are constantly working to improve our quality of service with our current customers and future ones. We have implemented a system that allows us to be in direct contact with our customers and address any concerns or needs that they may have. We strongly hold our company goals of integrating technology and superior customer service into a system that is fast, simple, and secure to use.

Account Manager

Record Grabber customers have a personal account manager that keeps all accounts up to date and running smoothly. This service includes assisting customers with any problems or concerns with the website and/or record concerns. Much of the business process happens because of the support from the account manager allowing the current customers to receive records and creating opportunities for new customers. Implementing an account manager lets Record Grabber to keep our customers the number one priority in the retrieval process and helps ensure the best quality service we can provide.

Medical Record Retrieval Specialist

To ensure the best quality of attention to each request, Record Grabber Operations Specialists follow up with each provider and request a status update on requests every three business days. Record Grabber’s real-time activity tracker allows customers to see time-stamped notes regarding what was discussed with the provider every time a request is followed up on. Our turn-around time is approximately two weeks, this is two times faster than the national average in record retrieval. This follow-up process allows Record Grabber to keep the retrieval process streamlined so there will be no delays with the retrieval of your requested records.

24 Hour Processing

Record Grabber takes pride in our ability to process requests within 24 hours of ordering for our customers to receive records in a timely manner. Each request submitted is processed within 24 hours. From there, the request process is streamlined. The processing details include when we call the provider and how often we contact the provider after the initial request has been confirmed. After this, we call every three business days asking for details on the request status and you can request to have us contact the provider more often if necessary. There is no extra fee for asking for specific requests to be expedited.

Status Updates

Record Grabber provides customers with real- time, date-stamped status updates with the current status of each record request. These updates are meant to be a transparency within the business so customers are never unsure on the current state of the retrieval process. This clarity allows customers to focus on their business and let us take over the process. Once the request has been fulfilled, the customer receives a notification email that the record is available for download.

Record Grabber supports our customers with the best technology and quality of service for each request. We make sure that the process is fully streamlined for your convenience and allows you to focus on the more important parts of your business. We value our goals and we stand by them, and we continue to offer a service that is fast, simple, and secure for all of our customers.


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Record Grabber: Security Overview

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            At Record Grabber we understand the importance of security and confidentiality. Medical and Health records are very confidential forms of information and we make sure to take the up-most precautions with handling your documents and records. We do all of this online so we understand concerns about confidentiality and if the documents and records are really secure in this modern age.

            To ensure the safety of your documents and records we follow the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and since we are an online company we follow the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) in order to keep your documents and records safe online. By being compliant for both of these requirements, we are able to keep your documents secure online for you to access readily.

            We store all of our documents on a secure server which allows us to manage backups and storage of the files at any point in time. We continually monitor our servers to make sure all of your information is up to date and accessible for you at any time. We utilize a HIPAA-compliant cloud storage system to allow you to pull records and documents form a safe cloud storage site and have the documents for downloading.

            Record Grabber employees are trained and experienced in all of the required guidelines in order to ensure the administrative, technical, and physical safeguards of your documents so we can be trusted by you for future services.

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Do You Really Have Time for In House Medical Record Retrieval?

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In House record retrieval can be difficult and overwhelming for most because of the extensive amounts of paper work and the excessive amount of phone calls that need to be made. Much of the savings you think your firm keeps will be drowned in the inefficiency of handling the processing, follow-ups, and organizing of requests.


What you should be aware of:

Incorrect State Statute Copy Fees – Review and store copies of state statute guidelines so that all provider fees follow the state statute fees that are associated with each state. Many providers tend to over-charge for copies of medical and billing records and it is difficult to go back and dispute the fees once invoices have been paid and records are received.

Incorrect Records – You have to call, wait on hold, and have the provider/copy service rescan/redo the request. You will receive an invoice for the incorrect file and then another invoice once the correct rescan is done. Many times, no one deletes the first invoice and gets overlooked. Invoices accumulate after you’ve received the records and most people simply pay the open invoices. In reality, each of them should be reviewed.

Follow-up Calls – Calling to make sure the records are delivered on time and to the right place is very time consuming with the busy schedules of your firm. Without following up, you may receive the wrong records, incorrect dates of service or the provider might misplace your request and you will not receive the records/statements at all. In the final case, the process would start from the beginning, wasting your precious time and money.

Paying and Tracking Provider Fees – Another complication with In House retrieval is the paying and tracking of provider fees. Complications arise when you receive multiple invoices. Without proper tracking, invoices can be misplaced or forgotten, therefore your firm will be unable to include the charges in the case fees. It is also hard to keep track of how much you should be charged for each request and may be charged more than you were originally supposed to, taking more money from the final case fee.

Data Storage and Organization – The data is hard to organize with in house retrieval because of the vast amount of incoming documents that pertain to each case. It can be confusing or frustrating to manage and organize all of the documents within a company database. If you are not careful with organizing files and documents, you may lose an important records/statements for a case and potentially have to request records again. Since appeals are a possibility in some cases, if you do not store and save the records correctly, you may then have to request them again for the appeal process.


Much of this frustration can be easily solved in your firm with the use of a record retrieval service, relieving the stress of having to deal with the invoices and paper work and allowing you more time to deal with cases and other business. Record Grabber does all of these things and provides you with a quick and easy service to make record retrieval hassle-free.

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Record Grabber: Brief Overview

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Who we are?

Record Grabber, LLC was established in 2014 to retrieve medical records and billing statements for law firms and insurance companies. Record Grabber, LLC relieves the burden of the entire retrieval process, and provides records in a fast, secure and reliable way. Our company is established in Indianapolis, Indiana with daily business decisions and operations run by the owner, Trent Van Emon. We follow all of the HIPAA guidelines for secure retrieval while utilizing innovative technology so that you save time and client records are secure. By following these guidelines, we are able to reach a nation-wide audience and accommodate the needs of any customers.

What we do?

In order to retrieve and digitize all of the medical records for our customers, we use innovative and streamline technology to help retrieve the records quickly, with little to no hassle. Record Grabber, LLC prides ourselves on our quality customer support and our real-time follow up system that allows customers to know where we are in the process of retrieving the medical records. During the process, all of the medical records and billing statements are checked for accuracy and completion and are sent to a secure HIPAA cloud storage portal where customers can electronically download the records. All of this information is secure and we ensure the protection and privacy of our clients.

Our Mission

At Record Grabber, we intend to make medical record retrieval fast, simple and secure. We stand by our mission statement of integrating technology and superior customer service into all of our business. We provide these medical records and billing statements at a substantially low fee and retrieve and deliver the documents quickly and with no hassle to the customer. Finally, our company goals include attention to detail, excellent customer service, and a promise to outstanding quality.

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Record Grabber: At a Glance


Record Grabber, LLC, founded in January 2014, was established to give law firms and insurance companies a simple, fast and reliable way to retrieve medical records.  Record Grabber is a growing company that is run by Trent and Ned Van Emon, father and son. Ned provides guidance and accounting advice as a CPA. He has an extensive business background as a former partner for 36 years in an accounting firm located in Indianapolis. Trent oversees daily business decisions and operations. He is a graduate of Indiana University with a bachelors degree in International Studies and Languages. He has previously worked in the military and in sales before founding Record Grabber. The  office is located on the Northeast side of Indianapolis, IN.  With vast research, coupled with guidance and support from family and friends, Trent and Ned began Record Grabber as the only flat fee medical record retrieval company on the market.


At Record Grabber, we pride ourselves on our prompt and available customer service. Our Operations Manager, Alexa Zeller, is available via email to answer any questions customers have, at any time of the day. Record Grabber processes requests nationwide, which allows our team to retrieve your records efficiently from our vast provider base. Our operations team processes each request within 24 hours of submission, allowing the provider to immediately begin working on handling your requests. Alexa contacts all customers the minute any problems arise when requesting and retrieving records. Our team checks all provider fees to ensure HIPAA guidelines per state are being followed, allowing customers to avoid unnecessary charges.

Record Grabber’s innovative technology gives customers a streamlined service, relieving the burden of ordering, retrieving and digitizing necessary records. Our website allows customers to see their request being followed-up-on on a real time basis. Our operations team diligently follows up on all requests  in order to expedite the process of retrieving your records. All records are checked for completion and accuracy before being uploaded to the customer’s HIPAA compliant and secure cloud storage portal, where customers can download their medical records.
Record Grabber strives to protect the privacy and information of all clients. Our office is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) in order to protect your Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the digital world.

Are you done paying extra fees for certification, copy and expedite fees? Record Grabber will never charge you more for these options. Our flat fee of $35 includes retrieving your medical and billing records from the same provider and certification, if necessary. Record Grabber will never make our customers sign service contracts, we do not want you to feel stuck in a contract. Record Grabber wants to earn your business by offering a cost efficient and simple manner for requesting records.

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