The Struggle for Data Compliance

We are now in a time where data compliance and security law is tighter than ever. Audits are common and those who put patient data at risk receive punishment for carelessness. A recent industry survey showed shocking levels of non-compliance, mostly born from a lack of proper infrastructure.


The Struggle to Maintain Data Security

The report from Aberdeen Group supported by Liaison technologies surveyed 360 enterprises across the healthcare industry. Hospitals and clinical practices especially were found to have failed on some basic data compliance issues all relating to security and data privacy of patients. Just 65% (that’s 234) were fully compliant, leaving 130 falling short of minimum standards.

As far as HIPAA compliance, around 85% were reported having hit their targets during the survey. That’s higher than general data protection but 50 of the 360 were non-compliant. One of the biggest issues was that most organizations surveyed claimed at least one data breach. These occurred despite awareness and greater budgets allocated to the issue within the healthcare industry and despite the infrastructure requirements.


The Lack of Strategy May be the Problem

The report concludes that the problem may be due to a lack of enterprise-wide solutions. With a requirement to appoint a Chief Data Officer, not enough is being done to encourage all employees to become their own data guard.

  • Compliance is complicated and full of pitfalls that can lead to breaches.
  • Systems for data compliance are currently “immature” according to most of those surveyed while maintaining the highest maturity based on architecture and systems (suggests a lack of investment).
  • Results of attempts to make a system or enterprise compliant with HIPAA and other data protection laws are presently ineffective.


Outsourcing May be the Solution

It’s likely that the problem of non-compliance is not born out of lack of experience of understanding of the issues, but infrastructure. Today in the modern environment of big data backed up with robust data protection laws, it’s more important than ever. Enterprises must ensure client and customer data is protected. Human error cannot be entirely eliminated. However, outsourcing core sections of your data – particularly record retrieval and storage, major threats of data breaches are removed.

Our Database of Providers Helps Us Get Your Records Faster

In the past, our blogs have focused on the financial benefits in the form of cost savings when working with us. The risks of data breach and the most common ways data is lost or stolen has been another focus. There are other ways in which working with Record Grabber can benefit you. Another benefit of using Record Grabber is our extensive database of providers. This allows us to retrieve records more efficiently and expeditiously.


Large Database of Providers

Record Grabber has built a solid relationship with providers over the years. We have many providers in our database and once added they are there forever. There is a strong chance we have had a working relationship with the provider you want records from. One of the most important reasons for using our services – they work with us because they know that we provide a reliable service. The providers remain responsive and continue working with us because of our reliability.


Professional Relationships

Furthermore, these years of professional working relationships, meticulously building contacts have provided us with experience and knowledge. One of these perks is a streamlined service built on professional understanding. We know their preferred method of contact (fax, email, phone) and what it takes to speed up a process. Record Grabber has built relationships with many billing and records departments, so they are willing and able to help us retrieve records.


Record Grabber Streamlines the Process

Record Grabber is a record retrieval and storage specialist service. It’s our job to understand the needs and schedules of the various organizations that work in this industry. Approaches may be different and so might the understanding of how urgently a case needs information. With many people requesting records, it can take time to retrieve records. The providers may work in chronological order of receipt which may not be fast enough for you. We can bypass that due to our professional working relationship.

Working with Record Grabber means taking the stress and complication out of record retrieval. It means a streamlined process, faster resolution, and most importantly – an advantage of our experience and database of providers.

Want to try us out? Use the promo code GRAB1 to get your first 3 requests free. Make my free account.

Why Use A Case Management Software?

For many firms today, it’s a complicated process to manage, store, sort, and handle many cases. As your practice grows, so do the potential problems. Case Management Software should always be considered – no matter the size of the firm.


Better Organization

In this industry, data is king. The key to keeping on top of your data and ensuring it is streamlined for efficiency is organization. The first benefit of using a Case Management Software, no matter what the industry, is improving organization. It’s easy to lose key pieces of information, miss a deadline, or misfile during a complex case. Much of the organizational difficulties can be alleviated by the use of a proper case management software.



If one word can sum up the modern workplace it’s “multitasking.” While cutbacks have led to businesses doing more with less, the need for more data acquisition and storage has only increased. Employees are better organized when information is better organized. They can continue to achieve their goals with less stress and greater efficiency than they were able to do previously. A Case Management Software can help your organization achieve its goals – leading to greater productivity. Never ask yourself again “Did that invoice get sent out?” You’ll be able to clearly see what’s been done and where your clients are in the process.


Keep More Informed

One aspect that should never be overlooked is the quality of data. Quantity doesn’t beat quality when it comes to information. With a Case Management Software, all the data relating to a case will be available in a single location, allowing duplicate information to be easily dumped. Searching for data is in the past, save valuable time (looking at efficiency again) and provide an improved level of quality.


Better Decision Making

If more organization, efficiency, and easily accessible information weren’t enough, there’s always visible results. Modern business in all industries are driven by results. When a process is streamlined, efficient, all in one place, simple to use, and accessible, it allows for more confident decisions. It also imparts confidence that they are doing so with all information in hand.


Case Management Systems Worth Looking Into

With our Record Grabber integration, Clio is a perfect option for a case management software. With close to 100 integrated apps, you can make this software do whatever you want it to do. PracticePanther is another great option when it comes to a case management software. You can easily save hours of time a month with it’s easy invoicing, billable hours tracker, and various integrations.

Responsiveness & Fast Turnaround Time

Medical records and chronologies and summaries help dispute resolution, insurance settlements, and legal cases. Regardless of the reason for needing records, a responsive communicator and a fast turnaround time is vital. Record Grabber aims to deliver your request within three weeks of the receipt date. We understand how vital it is that we deliver a fast turnaround time and we strive to maintain the three-week average.


Responsiveness is Good Customer Service

We believe that the key to the success of any organization is to pay attention to its customer needs. That starts with a simple acknowledgment of receipt and answering all emails in a fast and efficient manner. Letting the customer know that you are paying attention to their needs is a vital step. We respond to your request as quickly as possible and aim to deliver in an excellent time frame.


A Fast Turnaround Time Aids Positive Resolution

The faster a holder of electronic records can respond, the fewer delays there are in a legal or insurance resolution, and the greater chance there is a for a positive outcome for all concerned. Customer service isn’t just about paying attention to the customer’s initial request but demonstrating an understanding of needs, being responsive, and returning what is requested.


The Secondary Factors

Neither the patient, the lawyer or insurer, nor the record storage organization exists in a bubble. Sometimes, there are secondary factors that require attention. Employers may want proof of an ongoing medical case so the employee may continue to receive benefits while recovering.

Sometimes, an employee’s job depends on how fast we can access and deliver information and so might their care and their ability to pay any bills. People with serious injuries and claims rely on a fast resolution to ensure receipt of compensation.

Businesses, regardless of the industry, look to build and maintain a professional reputation. There are few aspects of a business’ operation that are more important than responding to customers in a timely manner and having a fast turnaround.


Check out how we can help you!

What Level of Chronology and Summary Do You Need?

We offer various levels of detail from a Basic Level Chronology to a High Level Chronology and Summary with hyperlinks. Pick the level that best fits your needs for this particular case – and a different level for the next!

What Record Grabber Will Check

In all cases, you will receive an estimate of cost before we proceed. Once given the go-ahead, we check the following medical records in this order: reports from ambulance crews and EMS, Emergency Department reports, reports of medical history and physical reports, consultations, radiology (in these cases, all findings – whether normal or abnormal in the first instance while abnormal instances only are reviewed), operative reporting, therapy evaluation reports, and discharge summaries. Initial and final evaluations are summarized. We do not examine the following documents: laboratory reports, in-patient progress notes, and anesthesia records.

Basic Level Medical Chronology

Our first offering is the Basic Level Chronology. With a two-business-day turnaround at a rate of $25 per hour (August 2018 prices), this is the fastest and most brief option. For that, you’ll receive case files sorted and indexed and a clearly stated chronology of services which will include dates, type of service, place of service, and provider details.

Ideal for: when you need to know a timeline of events of medical treatment from start to finish.

Medium Level Medical Chronology & Summary

For a Medium Level Chronology and Summary, normal turnaround time is 5-7 business days at $35 per hour. This level gets you everything that the Basic Level Chronology includes and in addition, customers will receive case files sorted and indexed by category (such as case notes, lab results and so on), a comprehensive medical summary for each service, medical summary pre-dating the incident, and a list of documents. A rush service is offered, getting you the required information in two business days at a cost of $45 per hour.

Ideal for: When more information, including investigations and diagnoses, is needed to be easily found and in one place.

High Level Medical Chronology & Summary

Our High Level Chronology and Summary gets you everything the Medium Level Chronology and Summary includes. In addition, you’ll receive an extensive medical explanation of each service. This level goes more in-depth than the Medium Level as to what occurred during each service. The turnaround is 5-7 business days at $45 per hour while the rush service turnaround is 2 business days at $55 per hour.

Ideal for: When you need a full medical history and require regular access to sources for more finer details.

Add Hyperlinking and Customization

Our customers can add hyperlinking to any Chronology and Summary. Hyperlinking takes you directly to the sources for quick and ready access.

Need something different? We have the flexibility to work with you to make a product that is exactly what you need. Reach out to start a conversation!

Ideal for: Any other situation!

Learn more here.

Electronic Medical Records equals a Faster Case Resolution

Record keeping is one of those areas where misconceptions exist about the switch from paper to electronic systems. These concerns prevent businesses from leaving the paper behind and making the switch to electronic records. The benefits of electronic medical records (EMRs) outweigh the drawbacks.



If you think that outsourcing to a third party EMR holder is expensive, have you When thinking about if medical records electronic makes sense, a cost analysis should be done. What is the total cost of stationery, paper, space required, storage, and the daily cost of maintaining records? Converting to electronic records saves more money than can even be realized. This passes a cost-benefit analysis for businesses. That is why they come to Record Grabber.


It’s important that patients are at the center of healthcare in their case. It’s also important that employees are comfortable with the systems they use every day. There is a belief that paper storage is user-friendly and therefore more efficient. Employees who feel they won’t keep up with change are often surprised at how quickly they adapt to new systems that have a primary focus of user-friendliness.


The threat of data loss and hacking is a real threat. Everyone needs to be on guard. It’s a myth that EMRs are less secure than paper. Once in the public domain, electronic and paper documents may be distributed. If stolen, Electronic Medical Records can be tracked down easily and removed from the web. All it takes to steal paper documents is somebody with unauthorized access to keys. Stealing electronic records requires technical knowledge.


There remains the belief that paper documents are more environmentally friendly. Most logging in North America today is sustainable is not true that it is more beneficial for the environment to maintain paper records. Servers consume electricity (largely fossil fuels) but the materials are used for many decades. Paper is a constant source, logging, cutting, transportation, use, and recycling.


The upheaval of switching your storage system can affect your organization in the short-term. However, the long-term benefits are numerous. Don’t be put off switching to EMR and outsourcing because of short-term pain. The long-term benefits mean a cheaper system, greater efficiency, less space, and faster case resolution.


EMR with Record Grabber, visit our site!

Could Tape Be The Answer To Our Data Storage Needs of the Future?

It’s considered a technology of yesteryear, but magnetic tape could provide one of the future solutions to our digital data storage needs. Paper records take up masses of space. Digital data can be lost, stolen, corrupted or hacked and requires large servers to store. Advances in magnetic tape over the last few years once again make it a viable alternative to storage needs.


Data Storage Needs of the Future


New Technology from Old

Tape is one of the oldest forms of computer storage technology. It was ubiquitous and largely unchallenged in the 1970s and 1980s, It could store no more than a few bytes at the very most. Until the arrival of floppy disks as a mass storage device, it was largely unchallenged. Today though, with The Cloud and other digital storage forms, it has been largely overlooked.


Advantages to Using Modern Tape

Modern standards such as LTO-7 storage an immense amount of data – far more than its predecessors. Even basic level models can store 16TB. Compression rates on some models permit storage of up to 125TB.

High-end tape does not come cheap however, but the initial outlay may eventually pay itself back in saved energy costs and server maintenance.

They have also adapted to modern requirements, working well with integrated cloud or server storage methods.

Tape gives you back the portability you have lacked since the disappearance of the old style floppy disks or its zip drive descendants that had only mixed success in commercial and domestic storage applications.

Portability may provide security issues of their own, but as they are not connected to a network until and unless they are plugged in, they offer an extra level of data protection. Of course, employees will need to be advised on the need to replace hard media in their place of storage. Loss or theft could constitute data breach.

Tape will not degrade in the same way that it used to degrade with repeated use and access is faster than ever before. Some of the best models record 300Mb per second.


The Uses of Tape To Medical Storage

Tape would allow flexibility between stakeholders and could be an efficient form of data transfer to complement cloud storage and digital access. However, medical professionals need to be aware that tape and the new disk technology provides complications of their own.

The major issue for medical professionals is that they will not necessarily simple database access to this providers that permit authorized data sharing in this manner. Magnetic tape provide a number of benefits.

Why does Ransomware Demand Payment in Bitcoin?

We’ve discussed ransomware extensively here at the Record Grabber blog already. This is because it is an important subject to cover right now in relation to data storage and data protection. There are many different types of ransomware but they all have one thing in common beyond encrypting data: they demand payment in something called Bitcoin (BTC).

Ransomware Payments in Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a growing method of online payment but it is not a currency with a country to administer it. It is something called a “cryptocurrency” invented in 2007 and published a year later. It was released as open source software in 2009 to an online community who immediately saw its benefits and flexibility beyond national currencies. Since then, some online shops and retail outlets have allowed consumers to purchase goods and services using the method. It is particularly prevalent in online gambling. Some US politicians use it as a fundraising method.

The value can vary wildly, but typically, a single bitcoin is around the value of $465 (US). Online retailers use it because processing fees for international payments are far lower than conventional methods such as bank transfer, and debit and credit card. The bonus to retailers is that the purchasing agent, and the not seller, will pay the fees. Transactions take place in millibitcoins or microbitcoins (0.001 and 0.000001).


Why Scammers Demand Bitcoin Payment

Bitcoin traders can buy and sell bitcoins anonymously. They do not need a bank account or credit card to buy or sell Bitcoins; that is what is most attractive to scammers who demand payment in Bitcoins to release data encrypted by infection of ransomware. Known criminals are using the web to trade in Bitcoin, so it was natural that the darker side of the online world would also use the currency for their own insidious purposes. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of Bitcoin transactions are legal and above board.

Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency, but it is the most commonly used by scammers purely because it is the most popular and the one likely to stick around in the long-term. It was reported that over $200m in ransoms have been paid in 2016 as a result of ransomware infection. Bitcoin itself is no less responsible for the spread of ransomware than the email network that carries the files from sender to systems ready for infection. It is purely a tool, and likely to be a useful one for more of us in the future.

Business Merger: The Perfect Time to Outsource Records Management

In the cutthroat world of mergers and acquisitions, many aspects of an organization’s practice will change. As the wheels of employee, equipment and process merger completes, it could be the right time for senior decision makers to opt to move to outsourcing their record storage and retrieval. It is also a time to evaluate your obligations.

The Perfect Time to Outsource Records Management

Merging Two Sets of Records Can Cost

Not just money, but time too. As the merger goes through, you want as smooth and as seamless a transition as possible, especially if a large group of people are relocating. You will need to make space for your records (on your server if digital, physical space if hard copies) and ensure that the systems are compatible. Compatibility can be an issue where businesses use custom software that were never designed to work together.


Working Out Obligations for the New Collection

Records retrieval, storage and management can be complex. That’s why organizations like Record Grabber exist in the first place, they take the hard work away from establishments. Your obligations of the new material may differ depending on the types of document. If they are record types you’ve never handled before, you and your employees are going to need to learn the new legal standards.


Stakeholders May Have Different Access Processes

No two organizations are the same. Interested parties (lawyers, healthcare professionals, administrators, insurance companies) may have had a set procedure to access records. How the two merging companies handled such requests may have vastly differed. You will need to come up with a new system that keeps access efficient and halts potential confusion. Not everybody is going to be happy about the new way of doing things.


The Logistics

Even with the smoothest transition in the world, there will be snags. Do you use electronic or manual access? Barcode scanners? What are your security and data protection protocols? Merging the files may be the easiest part of the merger; merging the two systems of access may be the most difficult.


Maybe Now is the Time To Outsource?

When you outsource your records, much of this hard work will be taken off your hands. Record Grabber has a standardized system that we have used for many years. Organizations outsource to us because they know our dedicated and efficient system has survived many client mergers. All the way through, we have continued to offer the same high quality service.

5 Problems You Will Experience When Not Outsourcing Record Storage and Retrieval

Problems with Not Outsourcing Record Storeage and Retrieval

Record Grabber is an expert provider in record storage, protection and retrieval services. We have been doing this long enough to understand the kind of problems you will experience when you choose not to outsource these services to a third party business and opt to handle all storage and retrieval in-house.


Paperwork Out of Control

Due to laws on what can be stored and for how long, it’s necessary to keep a complete paper trail for patients and their treatments for many years. This means several things: firstly, you will need to make space in your building to store all of your records, and more and more of it the more patients you take on. You may also need to take on a dedicated employee to manage the records store.


Ever Increasing Budget

If you don’t have space for storage you will need to make space, including reducing office space or building an extension or mezzanine to hold it. Then you have to hire an employee with archiving experience or qualifications, or training somebody to take over the role. Paperwork is the largest cost to an organization and many only realize when it is too late.


Data Loss

Offices that are not properly equipped to handle large amounts of data lose between 2% and 7% of records every year. At any one time, between 3% and 5% of a company’s records are somewhere other than where they ought to be. Should these records never be found, it can cost in the region of $180 for a spare copy.


Time Wasted Searching

Storing and handling all of your data in-house comes with the problem of lost or misplaced data, usually due to human error. No training in the world can eliminate even the simplest mistakes. Do you really want to spend so much time looking for misplaced files? You would probably rather be doing your actual job. The average manager spends a total of four weeks per year looking for misplaced paperwork; the average employee spends two hours per day.


Redundant Use of Space

You have a legal obligation to keep records for a certain length of time; how long varies by state. But did you know that once filed, 90% of records are never retrieved or examined again? This means that you will be turning over a lot of space (in your warehouse or on your server) to storing records that will remain inactive and unused until they are inevitably destroyed several years later.

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