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Complications of In-House Record Retrieval

Businesses must do all they can in these modern times to cut costs. That’s understandable; it’s partly why big investments are taken at the executive level with large cost analyses. Yet in the modern healthcare industry, organizations must ask of themselves not whether they can afford to outsource their record retrieval, but whether they can afford the time and resource investment of in-house record retrieval and storage. Record Grabber has the solution.

Overwhelmed Staff

If the modern workplace can be summed up in one sentence, it’s “doing more with less”. Your employees at all levels are expected to learn more things and less time to do it in. For the healthcare sector, that means a greater potential for data breaches which means fines under HIPAA audit. With an overstretched workforce, nobody wants to waste time on follow-ups with cases, making repeat phone calls, and hanging on the line while contacts check information.

Unresponsive Clients

Too much time is wasted chasing contacts who have not returned a promised call. Your work may be delayed to the detriment of everyone else when a promised phone call does not arrive. Your employee must then use some of their valuable time to call the contact again, or compose an email, and wait for a response. The more time spent chasing up contacts is less time dedicated to the processes of their actual job. Not only could this potentially delay cases, but it could also lead to mistakes through a hectic workplace and possibly to misplaced data and a data breach.

Record Destruction

Record destruction is a legal necessity; unfortunately, it’s time-consuming and prone to complications and risks. Older shredders can break down and not shred paper quite as well as a larger, professional shredders that can handle high volumes. Some need to be stored before shredding if the person responsible has other duties or limited to the amount of time they may shred. Improperly shredded documentation increases the risk of theft or loss and that too is a HIPAA violation.

Why You Need to Outsource Record Retrieval

All these things waste time for your employees and your organization. It’s always better to outsource. Record Grabber not only keeps electronic data safe from theft or loss, but we also free up time for your employees to get on with the processes of their jobs. Also, with the strong professional links we have forged with others in our industry, we guarantee a faster turnaround on requests.

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