Why cases take so long to process

If you’ve been in this business as long as we have, you’ll understand that there are major hurdles to a swift case resolution. Clients, along with organizations representing them, would prefer to complete cases quickly, but it rarely happens that way. The most common hurdles and barriers to a swift case resolution come up repeatedly.


There is Too Much Else To Do

Today, every workplace is a high-pressure environment. Fewer employees are now expected to do the work of multiple people. Understaffing is at an all-time high. Downsizing is no longer something that we worry about, but expect. That means more pressure on your existing employees that create a backlog for you.



It’s necessary and we understand why it’s necessary. It’s also legally required that we all follow the rules set down in HIPAA. But that doesn’t mean it is not a hurdle to swift case resolution. Data protection of civilian data is one of the world’s most important security issues today, and for good reason.


State Laws

HIPAA is a Federal law, but there are also state laws that slow down the process of swift case resolution. When working across state lines and borders, you run the risk of breaking laws in those states without full knowledge. Neighbors can have different standards on sharing, protection, costing and file limits. Adhering to these takes time.


Paperwork Volume

The average case generates a surprising amount of paperwork. Even the simple cases can have records going back years or decades, especially if a case is related to ongoing health problems. Storing this requires space, but processing it requires careful filing and knowing where it is at all times.


Waiting on Everybody Else

A medical case involves multiple parties – the medical professionals, their administrative employees, the insurance provider, the legal provider and the patient. With the sheer number of steps involved, we learn to live with the expectation of complications. We learn to live with the expectation of delay and waiting for the relevant people to do their part of the work. But things need not be that way.


The Key to Swift Case Resolution

Have you considered outsourcing your record retrieval? These five pain points above can be prohibitive to swift case resolution and sometimes, to your bottom line profit too. Record Grabber offers a simple and cost-effective solution that frees up your employees to do the work for which you employed them. We understand this business and streamline our services to be a help and not another burden.

Outsourcing Medical Record Storage Don’ts




Healthcare organizations need to save money. After all, the costs of the process of the modern US healthcare system are large, making the process expensive. Many businesses like yours are now looking at ways of reducing costs and streamlining their operations. While outsourcing is a great way to do this, a concerning number are outsourcing abroad. There are a number of problems with this.


Low Cost Means Lack of Attention to Detail

A race to the bottom in undercutting the competition means that these organizations must appeal to high volume. This leads to small businesses taking on too much work, and being unable to give your records and processes the attention they need. Pressured employees and systems are prone to problems that could cost you in the end. You get what you pay for, so why take the chance?


Employee Training

While they may have a good understanding of HIPAA and other Federal regulations, they may not be as aware of the subtle nuances that exist in state regulation. We know as well as you that medical record outsourcing, retrieval and storage is complex. You need highly skilled people – from those who answer the phones to those responsible for administering the system. Can you be sure of the service quality?


Potential Long Response Time

Because we work with legal and insurance organizations such as yours every day, we know how important a fast turnaround is for you. Cheaper outsourcing companies based abroad often have more clients than they can cope with, which means longer response time to your queries. They undercut for volume and appeal to as many clients as possible to ensure that volume of work.


Hidden Costs

Organizations that persistently undercut the competition (no matter the industry) have to make extra profits elsewhere. This means potential extra costs and conditions that you will not get when outsourcing to a USA based organization such as Record Grabber. Our costs are clearly displayed on our website and at every stage of your retrieval and storage process.


Data Risk

Organizations operating in the USA are bound by legal standards on data protection. We know the security systems we must use to keep customer data secure. Outsourcing organizations based on other countries cannot be prosecuted in the same way should their systems and processes prove inadequate. You owe it to your clients and patients to ensure that their data gets the full protection it deserves.

Preparing for the Future Living in Our Digital World


One of the main reasons you’ve decided not to outsource your record keeping and retrieval may be the perception that it is still uncommon. That may once have been true, but with new legislation and Federal government’s increased commitment to take HIPAA seriously, that trend is now reversing. As we look back on the recent history of the legal industry, we see that most changes have been for the better. When we shifted to digital from fully paper in the 1990s, it allowed even the smallest firms to get more done.


Digital Outsourcing Is an Opportunity

We have written extensively about the cost savings opportunities for businesses just like yours. It really cannot be overstated. However, there is another key advantage – profitability. Understandably, it is not easy to quantify outsourcing in terms of profitability, but there is a simple explanation. If you are a small to medium sized legal firm, you may not have the resources to take on large or complex cases. You may leave these to bigger firms and bypass a potentially rewarding case.


The Outsourcing Potential for Everybody

Although you may recognize these cases as potentially profitable, as a small or medium organization, you can’t usually wait for settlement being many years away. You also do not have the resources to devote to something so complex for so long. It isn’t just about the resources either. You have potential fines for missed deadlines because you are stretched to your absolute limit. This is why many businesses are turning to Record Grabber, and to outsourcing in general.

When you outsource a major chunk of your administrative work, you no longer need worry about the resource drain when taking on potentially long cases. Outsourcing will free up these resources to pursue the case and speed up the process of a settlement.


The Questions You Need to Consider

Record Grabber is an expert provider of medical record outsourcing. If you are already considering using our services, then there is a strong chance you experience the problems of in-house record retrieval and management already and wish to prepare for the future as we move to a more digital world.

Do your employees struggle retrieve records quickly and effectively?

Do your employees in charge of record retrieval have other tasks requiring their attention?

Are you unable to expand your premises without incurring prohibitive costs?

If the answer to any of the questions above is “yes” then you could benefit from outsourcing your record retrieval and storage.


Keeping Work Culture in Mind When Outsourcing


No matter how profitable or efficient, organizations will experience issues with work culture. Teams that have worked together for a long time can sometimes get complacent and stuck in habits. In the majority of cases, we make allowances and work around to ensure that we move forward as a business. This is not always possible. In several recent high-profile cases, an organization’s data integrity has failed because of poor work culture. At Record Grabber we are up to speed with current medical record retrieval trends and take pride in our attention to detail.


Too Much Work

One of the biggest explanations for poor work culture with regard to data integrity is that employees have too much work. There is simply too much to do that important processes are forgotten, neglected, bypassed. Employees find and exploit shortcuts because of pressure. Forgetfulness, inability to cope and complacency lead to HIPAA violations. These violations are potentially costly for your business in the long-term. One solution to too much work is to outsource part of that work to a third party.


Lack of Experience

Employees no longer stay for the long-term. Those that do and demonstrate capability and desire get promoted quickly. That means a near constant need to replace employees in the sort of roles where HIPAA violations are a daily possibility. Lack of experience in the work place is one of the biggest causes of errors in the work process. No matter how good the training, or how attentive the employee, they will make mistakes as part of their learning process.


Poor Attention to Detail

Anybody can display poor attention to detail. It comes from lack of experience, complacency and from having too much work. It is arguably the single biggest cause of error in any work environment, potentially causing millions of dollars. This is not just in fines for HIPAA, but unnecessary business expenses too. It can happen almost anywhere, but in the minefield of data protection, it can be disastrous. You are not dealing with purchasing too much stock, but people’s private data.


Outsourcing: A Simple Solution

While you could spend time, money and resources doing what you can to reduce these work culture problems, there is one simple and cost effective solution.  By outsourcing your data protection, storage and retrieval to Record Grabber, you will put your businesses processes in the hands of the professionals with the attention to detail and experience to succeed. The work burden on your employees will be lighter and you will save time and money. The potential for data loss is much lower.


The Mine Fields of State Laws. Use Record Grabber Instead.


The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic of 50 states and various external interests. That means as well as a large number of Federal regulations, there are also state laws and regulations with regard to the following:

  • Medical record storage, how they should be stored and how long to keep them
  • Medical record retrieval, how they could be accessed, who may or may not access them, and the procedures for doing so
  • The costs associated with medical record storage and retrieval
  • Other paperwork and red tape additional to HIPAA and HITECH


The Problems

As each state sets its own additional regulations, when dealing with firms or patients based out of state, you need to understand the complexity that may delay conclusion of each case. Rarely are two cases the same meaning variation in red tape and costs. The more there is, the longer a case will take. The longer a case will take, the more costs there will be.

There is little that you can do to negotiate the various legal requirements per state, but you can alleviate the problems by using Record Grabber.


A Brief Cost Comparison

Of course, regulations such as HIPAA and HITECH are Federal. Everybody must comply fully with these laws. This is the easy part. The difficult part is ensuring that you also comply with state law which may differ considerably even in adjoining states. One of the biggest differences is cost. Some states have clearly defined costs and others do not.

For example, Alabama charges a $5 search fee, $1 per page between pages 1 and 25 and $0.50 for pages 26 and up. For x-rays and other media, you will pay the actual cost of reproduction (whatever that may be). Arizona and Hawaii have not set charge.


Record Grabber is The Solution

These costs can add up over time, and you need to be aware of changes in the law at all times.

Understanding laws, prospective and actual changes in the law can take time and money. For straightforward cases, you are unlikely to experience any real issues. The problem is that most patients do not have a simple medical history. They are complex and you may need to request records from multiple authorities.

This is where Record Grabber can help. We represent real time cost and time saving for medical professionals. We have a simple process that speeds up claims and puts more money in the pocket of the client.


The Importance of Fast Retrieval for Your Case


Fast retrieval can be quite time consuming and downright exhausting. If you have been in this business a long time, you know how long things can take. You have come to expect that even simple cases takes months or years.  At Record Grabber, we know it takes more than the wave of a magic wand to speed things up. However, we know we can do our part in streamlining the process for all concerned.


Time Is Money

In this business, that counts doubly so. From the moment a claim begins, the costs begin to pile up. Sometimes, there is only a limited amount of insurance money. We prefer that this money does not go to legal and medical costs, but into the client’s pocket by providing a fast retrieval time. We know as well as you that legal costs come out of the client’s settlement. When the process is faster and more efficient, the client ends up with more.


Doing It Yourself Is A Drain

Many medical and legal professionals think they can save time and money by executing their record retrieval in house. Eventually, they learn that this business is a minefield. They realize that they did not factor in the amount of time, physical space, money and resources required to handle the records. The logistical nightmare leads to a general slowdown in processing cases. Record Grabber saves resources in ways you cannot always quantify.


Record Retrieval is a Learning Process

How long does it take an average intern to learn the job? At the beginning, they may be slow. It will take time to build experience. They will need to understand all of the finer detail and be prepared when things change. Record retrieval is like that too. With all the resources in the world, nothing can beat experience. Nothing can beat knowing all the finer points and understanding how a process works. We take the hard work and in so doing, speed up cases through using our experience.


Legal Process Is Slow

Each state has different rules and regulations, limits and costings on acquiring medical record copies. Learning and understanding, and ensuring you get it right every time, can be a massive time burden on your business – not to mention costly. A dedicated record retrieval firm understands the subtle nuances of Federal and each state’s laws, streamlining the process and speeding it up for everyone. Tracking is one of the slowest processes in this industry. Each case can potentially experience hundreds of phone calls before a case reaches completion.



The Cost of Outsourcing Saves Millions in Fines

One of the main reasons why healthcare organizations and legal entities do not outsource record storage and retrieval is the cost. It is felt that the cost of outsourcing is an unnecessary or frivolous expense for very little administrative gain. Neither belief is true, least of all, the myth about administration. Few factor in the costs of fines from data breaches. Can you afford the following for even minor breaches?



New York Presbyterian Hospital

In one of the biggest cases of its kind, NYPH received a fine of $2.2m in April 2016. They allowed filming of a TV show but failed to prevent several data breaches. A dying patient was filmed without consent of the patient or his family. In other cases, film crews were permitted to enter areas where patient data was easily accessible. The hospital was put on an observation order for the next 2 years.


Oregon Health and Science University

OHSU received a $2.7m fine over two separate incidents of breaching PHI (Protected Health Information). They were subject to a corrective action plan lasting three years. In one case a laptop was stolen. In the second case, a third party accessed Cloud services without prior agreement. Despite that no patient came to harm, the fine and special measures were levied anyway.


New York Presbyterian Hospital (Again)

If you thought their April 2016 fine was large enough, consider the reasons why, in 2014, they were fined double that amount. A physician from Columbia University deactivated a personal computer that he had connected to the server. A lack of proper security measures meant that patient details became widely available on Google. They became aware when a patient found the details of a deceased partner freely through the search engine.


CVS Pharmacy

In 2009, OCR concluded an investigation that resulted in a $2.25m fine for the pharmacy giant. They were accused of disposing of expired records against all protocols. Health professionals know how they should dispose of expired documents, but putting them in a public dumpster is not one of them. Several stores were found to be at fault and that CVS had no clear protocol for file destruction.


Can You Afford Not To?

As you can see, the potential areas for data breach – and the scope that HIPAA covers – means that even with all the best intentions in the world, your organization can still find itself subject to massive fines. It doesn’t matter whether patients are affected, your organization could still be fined millions.

Why Outsourcing Record Storage is Better for the Environment

Increasingly, businesses across the US are concerned about their environmental impact. There is a need to adhere to international law and be seen to do “the right thing” by customers at the same time. Environmental issues are now a major concern for everyone. In many ways, outsourcing your medical record storage is the environmental choice for the 21st century.


No Transportation Costs

You are not obliged to switch from paper to digital records, but it is the obvious green choice. Although most of our paper is produced sustainable today, the transportation cost in terms of carbon is a significant factor in lumbering. No matter how much we recycle, it leaves a carbon footprint. With digital storage, there are no such carbon emissions from the mass transportation of goods. Few things are carbon free, but by switching to digital, you remove a major contributor. It has been calculated as 85.7bn metric tons annually in the US alone.


Trash Reduction

With outsourced record retrieval and storage, trash production is reduced to almost zero. The electronic equipment used in cloud computing has a long shelf life and is recyclable. We can upgrade parts as and when required. With paper, there is a constant stream of recyclable material. Any sticking tape, staples or other hard materials may simply need to go in the trash. You can reduce your annual waste (and your cost) by moving some services to digital. Cost is the major reason people cite moving to any Cloud services, but labor intensity in trash production is another.


Shared Resources Means Lower Emissions

The two previous points focused on encouraging your business to switch from paper storage to Cloud storage. How is the environmental cost lower if you outsource from in-house Cloud to third party Cloud? Shared resources means lower expenditure in terms of financial cost and GHG emissions. When you outsource to one of our dedicated servers, you are pooling resources. You will not need extra power for your server, storage system and other digital services in house.


Space Saving

This is slightly more abstract, but it still an environmental benefit. Holding your own records, be they hard copy or digital requires space on your premises. Some businesses look to expand their facilities only to hold records. With the switch to outsourced Cloud record retrieval and storage, you will need less space for shelving, filing cabinets and office space. When you outsource your digital storage, you will need less physical space for your server.

Outsourcing is the Best Protection You Have against Ransom ware: Here is Why

2015 and 2016 has been a golden age for Ransom ware creators. There have been many high-profile Ransom ware infections on medical facilities around the world. The USA has been subject to several very high profile attacks and more is expected. As our organizations get wiser, it is likely that the Ransom ware senders are going to get wise too and change their approach. If you want to protect your facilities against this extremely virulent type of malware, then outsourcing is your best option.



About Ransom ware

You have probably heard of ransom ware by now. It is a particularly vicious form of malware and prevalent today. It comes with a threat to wipe your server of records, or make it publicly available, if you do not pay a ransom (usually in Bitcoin). It can stop your organization going about its business for days as you track back the infection and restore your systems. It is one of the biggest threats to digital healthcare records today.


Reason 1: Removes Avenues For Infection

The more avenues there are for infection, the greater opportunity that your server will be infected. That’s a simple fact of life for any commercial enterprise and its risks of any infection. When outsourcing your records retrieval and storage with a third party, only a limited number of people at your end will be able to access our records under strict permissions. The major access way for malware is through human error. Cut off the potential courses of infection and you reduce the risk.


Reason 2: More Avenues of Protection

We have some of the most advanced protection software available. We have to because HIPPA and other privacy laws demand that we do all we can to protect client records. We use the most up to date software and hardware and use the best fail safe systems in protecting that data. Commercial enterprises such as hospitals, legal bodies and insurance companies will often use systems that are “good enough”. Protection may be adequate for most daily practices, but inadequate for data protection.


Reason 3: Specialist Training

Our employees are dedicated to one job – record retrieval and storage. They are not healthcare professionals, lawyers or insurance executives. This singular focus allows them to have much greater depth of knowledge about HIPA and data protection than anybody else in these professions. Human error is a major cause of hacks and data infection, and our employee’s training is so tight that they can identify all threats.

Benefits of Going Paperless, Then Outsourcing


Increasingly, we are moving to a digital work in our business transactions. Everything from invoicing, sales, customer research, administration and security is moving to the web. If you still use paper based records for your legal medical files, then now might be the right time to switch to digital. Also, during this transition phase, there is no better time than now to outsource. Here, we present four reasons why.


It’s Swift and Painless

Sure, replacing all of your paper files with digital version may take a while. You need to ensure that you’re uploading the right files in the right place. You also need to make sure you are transferring the right files and discarding those that you are able to destroy. Yet these processes never take as long as you might fear. When you switch to digital filing systems of record storage, Record Grabber makes it easy and painless, and easier to comply with HIPPA and other legal regulations.


It Saves You Time

The paper method of record storage is one of the slowest and most time-consuming methods. Ideally, you require an archivist. Requests can take a lot of time to process, especially if the archiving team has multiple requests for access throughout a working day. You need a record now at 9am; you can’t wait until 2pm. Digital records are faster to find and faster to use. When outsourcing, only authorized personnel can access the records, but they can do so much faster.


It Saves You Money

This is related to the above point. Did you know that companies like yours who opt to stick with paper record keeping spend $8bn every year wasting time searching for misplaced and missing paper records? That’s a vast amount of money. Misplacing records cannot happen with digital record keeping. Also, you will be able to turn over storage areas in your premises to something more profitable and save cash on wages by not increasing your archiving team.


It’s More Secure

Despite fear in the media about viruses, malware and even ransom ware (a subject we have written about repeatedly) with the proper procedures your data will be safe. Many infections are the result of human error. Paper records can be stolen more easily following a break in. A determined data thief can and will take the time to piece together paper strips – it has happened. When you go digital and outsource to Record Grabber, you have the benefit of our servers providing that extra security.

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