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Reduce workload by Streamlining your process



There are many reasons for why healthcare organizations might refuse to outsource their record keeping and storage. One of the most pervasive is to get more people or organizations involved to increase workload in an already complex and busy work environment. This is not true. If anything, Record Grabber will save labor costs and reduce workload. Streamlining your medical record retrieval process is simple.


You Have Fewer HIPAA Worries

One of your biggest constraints is ensuring that your employees keep up to date on their data protection responsibilities. You spend less time on training, updates and internal memos to ensure that employees realize what they can and cannot do. When the number of people able to access data within your organization is streamlined, you have fewer worries and therefore expend fewer resources.


Less Non-Profitable Administration

There are many, broad administrative costs when you handle your record keeping and storage in house. Some of which you may not have even considered: storage space, employees to work in the archives, the lengthy process of destroying old records, management and filing. This takes your employees away from other tasks that make your business money.


Utilize your employees time properly

When you don’t outsource, you will often find the workload increases exponentially. This can put stress and strain on your employees which reduces their job satisfaction. It’s not just about the amount of work that each employee must do. The wage bill is often the biggest expense for any business. You need to consider whether your business has taken on more work than it can realistically handle. If not, then outsourcing with Record Grabber can ease this burden.


Reduces Server Workload

Your IT employees need to keep up with legislation on HIPAA, security protocols and implementation. They will also need to keep increasing network space and monitor issues with mobile devices. As records increase, this will increase their workload too. By outsourcing, you can reduce this burden for your front line IT support employees.


Streamlining is About Workload, Not Cost

Businesses all over the world have become conscious since the last economic downturn. Their need to better utilize their workforce has increased. Discarding unnecessary work is as important as keeping the salary bill down. While the work of record storage and retrieval is vital, it is not necessary for businesses such as yours to do it all in house. There are significant cost and resource savings that can be made easily and quickly.


Productivity awaits. Streamline your medical record retrieval process!- Record Grabber



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